Veterinary Referrals

Your pet will receive expert and innovative care from reputable specialists.

Here at All About Cats Veterinary Clinic, our top priority is making sure your pet is healthy and well taken care of. Our highly trained team of veterinarians, technicians and assistants are happy to partner with other hospitals to ensure the best medical care for the feline companions in our community. To learn more about our referral options or if your vet sent you our way, please contact us at 604-986-2287.

Who do you partner with?

Depending on your pet’s needs, our veterinary clinic is more than happy to refer you to veterinarians and specialists that can provide just that extra bit of support your cat deserves. Some of our partners include:

  • North West Dermatology Services
  • North West Nuclear Medicine
  • West Coast Veterinary Dental Services
  • Canada West Vet Emergency Care & Specialists

Do I need to bring anything with me to my cat’s appointment?

If you’re visiting us for the first time or going to a referred veterinarian, unless instructed otherwise, all you have to bring is yourself and your feline companion. Before your appointment, your primary hospital would have already sent over your pet’s medical history and information. We’ll take care of the rest!

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