Surgical Services

From surgery to the process of recovery, ensuring your cat's safety is our top priority.

Surgery may seem scary but it doesn’t have to be. At All About Cats Veterinary Clinic, we specialize in exclusively treating kittens and cats and our experienced team is trained to provide them with the best surgical care. Routine procedures help to maintain your pet’s health and treat any injuries or health issues they may have. Please contact us at 604-986-2287 if you have any further questions about our surgical services.

Is surgery safe or painful for cats?

Your feline companion will feel no pain at all. Before the surgery, our team will sedate your pet and provide pain management to make sure they are comfortable and unable to feel any pain during the surgery. Specifically designed for our feline patients, our surgical suite also provides a safe and sterile environment.

How do I prepare my cat for surgery?

If your cat has a procedure involving a general anesthetic, we will ask that your cat fast overnight. Before your furry companion is scheduled for their procedure, our team will make sure to walk you through what to expect and how best you can help prepare them for their surgery.

What happens after surgery?

Once the procedure is complete, a technician will closely monitor your cat. Our team will then give you a call with an update on how the surgery went and schedule a discharge appointment. To ensure a smooth recovery, we’ll provide you with a printed list of homecare instructions and medication to have your cat feeling better in no time.

How is your surgical suite set up?

Our custom-designed feline surgery suite provides a fully-equipped environment which includes a modern anesthetic machine using Isoflurane anesthesia, an oxygen delivery system, a heart-rate monitor, a Pulse oximeter monitor, and a Doppler blood pressure monitor. For post surgical patients, we offer a calm, quiet hospitalization area where patients can recover comfortably.

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